More on presuppositionalism...

I recently got a familiar question:

Dear Glenn,

I am currently studying at Westminster Theo. in Escondido.

During my studies there I was exposed to Dr. John Frame and the late Dr. Greg Bahnsen. As I'm sure you know they are presuppositional apologists. I am not yet a confirmed presuppositionalist, yet I find many good points in their approach. I detect from your webpage that you are not as impressed.

I'm sure you are aware that both Frame and Bahnsen's specialized in epistemology. Bahnsen makes the comment that ALL worldviews have to be defended or "argued for" in a circular fashion. Not all arguments "within" the worldview have to be circular, but the worldview itself is always circular. Are you aware of that particular point of view and if so, what are your thoughts? It sounds reasonable to me. I, of course, have always believed that circular reasoning was the one thing you want to avoid in any debate. Help please.

I responded:

ZZZ...thanks for your dedication to our Precious Lord...

I cannot get into your issue is so complex, but let me ask you one of the questions that led me to believe in 'common ground' or in a non-circular place to stand...

One form of the question is:Archimedian

"What kind of worldview lets you discuss the objectivity of worldviews, including its own?"

If you think about this, you might see the same problem I did...the old 'eyeglasses cemented on' model will not even allow the DETECTION of other worldviews! Everything dissonant will be masked out by the worldview grid...

The very fact that we can transcend worldviews long enough and far enough to even discuss or objectify them, indicates that there are at least TEMPORARY Archimedean places to stand...They may shift as we become self-critical of them, but they always afford temporary transcendence and temporary 'freedom'...

I am sorry to be so brief...but maybe this will start your thinking down the same path, and give you something to interact with...



The Christian ThinkTank...[] (Reference Abbreviations)