Looking at the Wall...
Musings Two: Peripheral Linguistic Absolutes...
- Not only is the 'boundary' of our operational world linguistically 'sealed', but the linguistic 'gravity' that binds us to some operational center is also intractable.
- What I mean by this, is that our language cannot escape certain linguistic forces that 'tie us down' to some operational center of experience. There are frankly some 'base realities' that CANNOT BE DENIED. This is one of the major points of my thinking on Self-Stultifying Arguments. We are familiar with silly statements like "All sentences are meaningless" or "language cannot express truth", in which the alleged CONTENT of the proposition is 'stultified' by the very semantic act of speaking!
- I will try to summarize some of this thinking here soon, but for now the reader should look at my detailed explorations into self-reflexivity and self-stultification.
To be continued...
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