About this Site .....................................Revised
Unravelling Wittgenstein's Net--
A Christian ThinkTank
"Critically examine EVERYTHING. Hold on to the good." (Paul,
First Thessalonians
Engage!--Look for a "Specific Something"
in the Tank...
Do a keyword/subject SEARCH for something in the Thinktank--words or numbers.
Engage!--Things to Read...
Letters from the "man behind the curtain"...
Thumbnails...short (honest!), 1st person, casual replies to some of the
'tuff ones'...
The Global "Sunday School"-the detailed syllabi of my Sunday Adult Education
Visit the Hall of Arguments--with debris of skeptic/Christian encounters
On-going analysis of the processof God's communication
A Slow-paced, long-winded, but low-key argument for "The Faith"
A simpler argument/appeal, for a frustrated soul..."It's really MUCH simpler
than it looks..."
A small article I just wrote on the Relevance of the Christian worldview
in the 20th century.
The Mailbag (some with goooooood questions!)...
(or "Foolosophy/Meta-Stuff from an External Thinker")
Comic Relief for Theologians and Philosophers (and particle physicists)
Books I Plan to Finish Someday (since I paid for them already)...
Lessons I've Learned over the years
Examine the dissection in the "Tough Question of the Quarter" Lab
A Note to followers of other major world religious traditions
Engage!--Things to Do...
Fill out the Suggestion Box/Feedback Log (1-3 mins), after you have Browsed-Around
Fill out the Visitor Belief Survey (5-10 mins)
Submit a "Tough Question of the Quarter"
Prayer requests
[updated Apr/99]
Help me build a glossary for the ThinkTank!
Disengage/Re-engage!--Places to
My Travelogue--Sites I visited recently...some good, some bad, some...
"Jumping-off Places" (to achieve cognitive ecstasy requires TOTAL immersion...)
Christian Resources on the Net (ICLnet)
Global Christian Network
Yahoo's Religious stuff...
Selected Apologetics (Christian) sites
Mars Hill Forum; Apologetics Feature
Rebuttal to The Jury is In (below), in the Tekton Ministries
Answers in Action (Apologetics)
Stand to Reason (Apologetics)
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (Apologetics)
Christian Answers Network (Apologetics)
Reasons to Believe
Try G.K.Chesterton's Orthodoxy.
Philosophy/Logic type sites....
List of Professional Theistic Philosophers
The Ultimate Philosophy Page
The Society of Christian Philosophers
The Evangelical Philosophical Society
Pools of swimming search engines...
Search Pipes: December's 'Grand Central Station'!
Search Pipes: Netscape's Search Tools
Digital's Alta Vista Search Engine
Skeptical Sites of the Season (prepare for some "Goliath-quality" arguments!)
A Word of Advice from the Cabby (A spiritual README.1ST)...
...and some MORE advice--to someone who swam into the deep end too early.
The Secular Web
Jim Lippard's Skeptical Pages
Jeff Lowder's Page (with rebuttal to Josh McDowell's works) [but see the
decisive Rebuttal]
Please Email comments, questions, suggestions,
death threats, "I can't believe someone like YOU could possibly believe
all these irrational, superstitious, 17th-century-scholarship myths and
fairytales" put-downs to: me (Glenn M. Miller biostuff) at gmm@webcom.com
"Be fearless...the God of Truth is not afraid of 'our'
The Christian ThinkTank...
(Reference Abbreviations)